Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Madness

So I am on this quest right now to save money and to get organized. Apparently the experts say if you are more organized then you'll have a less stressful life. So it seems the clutter in my closets is this hidden stress in my life. So little by little I am de-cluttering! I switched desks at work about 2 weeks ago, it is amazing how much stuff you keep that you don't need. It was such a great feeling to just throw it all away! Old projects....gone, old customer files...good-bye!, old popcorn and tea bags......gross, if i didn't want you as a snack then I certainly don't want you now. So now it is on to organizing the new desk! Here are some super cute office supplies for your enjoyment....All from See Jane Work the Jonathon Adler Collection.

1 comment:

  1. ...the IPOD station would be a great birthday gift for your Super Best Friend, Megan. I heard she deserves it... just a rumor.
